DAKS Simpson Limited ("DAKS") (company number 02508094) believes that it is essential that both as a company and as individuals we should operate in an environmentally and socially conscious manner.


Our objective is to minimise the impact of our business activities on the environment by committing to the development of sustainable business practices, which will contribute to a better society economically, environmentally and socially.
This Policy focuses primarily on the environmental aspects of sustainability and should be read in conjunction with our Ethical Strategy which details the social aspects of our sustainable business practices.
Furthermore, DAKS recognises its key impacts to be in the area of procurement, and as such, has in place a Sustainable Procurement Policy.


To manage our environmental impacts and risks and contribute to a sustainable society, we strive to:

a. ensure compliance with all relevant environmental legislation, regulations and other requirements as a minimum;
b. continually improve and monitor environmental performance;
c. continually improve and reduce environmental impacts;
d. integrate sustainability considerations into all business decisions;
e. reduce risks from environmental, health or safety hazards for employees and customers in both the office and retail premises; and,
f. increase employee awareness and involvement .


In order to achieve the aims of this Policy, DAKS is taking the following measures:
Office and retail (travel and consumption of resources)

a. promote sustainable travel by encouraging employees to walk, cycle and/or use public transport to attend meetings, site visits where practicable;
b. use of LED lighting;
c. minimise waste generation, facilitate repair, reuse and recycling over disposal of wastes (e.g recycling of lights and lamps and other electrical equipment);
d. shredding and recycling all of our paper waste;
e. limiting use of harmful chemicals (e.g. encourage use of biodegradable cleaning products);
f. involve employees in the implementation of this Policy for greater commitment and performance;
g. provide staff with relevant sustainability training and consult with employees when reviewing and updating the Policy;


h. continuing to work towards traceability and transparency of our supply chains to verify ethical labour practices and respect for animal welfare;
i. reducing the environmental impact of procurement through the formulation and implementation of a sustainable procurement Policy;
j. making suppliers aware of our Sustainability Policy and Ethical Strategy and encouraging them to adopt sound sustainable management practices; and
k. maintaining Ethical Trading Initiative membership and supporting ethical procurement through the implementation of its Ethical Strategy.


DAKS and its employees in the responsibility for environmental management and the sustainable development across the business are supported by key staff to help promote best practice and monitor performance for continual improvement.

This document was last reviewed September, 2023.