DAKS believes that it is essential that both as a company and as individuals, that we should operate in an environmentally and socially conscious manner. Therefore, in order to achieve this objective DAKS requires its third party suppliers and manufacturers to sign up to this code of conduct when providing services to DAKS (“Suppliers”).

As part of this commitment, DAKS also has these obligations repeated in its Supplier contracts, and takes steps to monitor its Suppliers’ compliance to this code of Conduct, where possible.

When doing business with DAKS, each Supplier will comply with this Code of Conduct.
  1. Each Supplier will:

(a)        use its best endeavours to reduce its consumption of non-renewable materials including fossil fuels;

(b)        use its best endeavours to consume materials which are:

(i)         natural;

(ii)        recycled;

(iii)       sustainable; and

(iv)       biodegradable;

(c)        not use chemicals which may cause damage to the natural environment in which the Products are manufactured, marketed and sold and comply with current EU standards on prohibited dyes and other material requirements;
(d)        commit to reducing and eliminating the use of single use plastics;
(e)        provide DAKS with a copy of the Manufacturer’s environmental policy and (if applicable) the environmental policy of any sub-contractor used by the Supplier in the course of fulfilling its services to DAKS.
  1. Each Supplier will ensure that the manufacturing and supply of any products it supplies to DAKS , take place in such factories or work places, (including its own factories or work places):
(a)        which apply an approved standard of ethical treatment in relation to their workers;
(b)        where the workers are paid not less than the statutory minimum for the country in which they are employed;
(c)        where working conditions are safe and hygienic;
(d)        where no worker employed is under 16 years of age;
(e)        where no worker employed compulsorily works more than 12 hours per day;
(f)         where no worker employed compulsorily works more than 6 days per week;
(g)        where no discrimination is practiced whether based on race, caste, national origin, religion, age, disability, gender, marital status, sexual orientation, union membership or political affiliation;
(h)        where the workers’ presence in the workplace is voluntary and not as the result of any direct or indirect coercion;
(i)         where there is the provision of regular employment;
(j)         where no harsh or inhumane treatment is allowed;
(k)        where the workers’ rights to freedom of association and collective bargaining are respected;
(l)         that comply with all applicable employment standards, regulations or other legal or statutory requirements for the country in which they are employed including, but not limited to, requirements relating to pay, working conditions, health, fire and safety regulations; and
(m)       where the provisions of law or the requirements of such undertakings address the same matters set out in this paragraph 2, then the Supplier shall apply the provision or fulfil the undertaking that affords the greater protection.
  1. Each Supplier acknowledges and agrees that as a result of DAKS commitment in this matter, in the event of a failure by the Supplier to comply with the undertakings set out in this Code of Conduct, then DAKS shall have the right to terminate its contractual or otherwise relationship with the Supplier.
  2. Each Supplier acknowledges that we are members of the Ethical Trading Initiative, an organisation we joined in 2010. ETI is a leading alliance of companies, trade unions and voluntary organisations that promotes respect for workers' rights around the globe. As a member of the ETI, we are required to ensure that all of our suppliers commit to a code of practice covering clear and measurable standards related to wages, working conditions and employment rights. We communicate our standards to suppliers and factories including the code of the conduct which is based on the ETI Base Code. The ETI Base Code is an internationally recognised code of labour practice founded on the conventions of the International Labour Organisation.
    1. Employment is freely chosen
    2. Freedom of association and the right to collective bargaining are respected
    3. Working conditions are safe and hygienic
    4. Child labour shall not be used
    5. Living wages are paid
    6. Working hours are not excessive
    7. No discrimination is practised
    8. Regular employment is provided
    9. No harsh or inhumane treatment is allowed.
As being a supplier or partner to us you agree to abide by such Code.
This document was last reviewed September, 2023.